Run the analyses on the data





A study list object with class scivrs_study


A study object with class scivrs_study


s <- study() %>% add_hypothesis("H1", "Petal width and length will be positively correlated.") %>% add_analysis("A1", cor.test(dat$Petal.Width, dat$Petal.Length)) %>% add_criterion("sig", "p.value", "<", 0.05) %>% add_criterion("pos", "estimate", ">", 0) %>% add_eval("corroboration", "sig & pos", "Petal width is significantly and positively correlated to length") %>% add_eval("falsification", "sig & !pos", "Petal width is significantly and negatively correlated to length") %>% add_data("dat", iris) %>% study_analyse()
#> Sepal.Length set to dataType float
#> Sepal.Width set to dataType float
#> Petal.Length set to dataType float
#> Petal.Width set to dataType float
#> Species set to dataType string
#> Hypothesis H1: Petal width and length will be positively correlated. #> #> Criterion sig: #> * p.value < 0.05 is TRUE #> * p.value = 0.000 #> #> Criterion pos: #> * estimate > 0 is TRUE #> * estimate = 0.963 #> #> Conclusion: corroborate #> * Corroborate (sig & pos): TRUE #> * Falsify (sig & !pos): FALSE
#> Demo Study #> ---------- #> #> * Hypotheses: H1 #> * Data: dat #> * Analyses: A1 #> #> Hypothesis H1: Petal width and length will be positively correlated. #> #> Criterion sig: #> * p.value < 0.05 is TRUE #> * p.value = 0.000 #> #> Criterion pos: #> * estimate > 0 is TRUE #> * estimate = 0.963 #> #> Conclusion: corroborate #> * Corroborate (sig & pos): TRUE #> * Falsify (sig & !pos): FALSE