List modules
module_list(module_dir = system.file("modules", package = "papercheck"))
#> * all-p-values: List all p-values in the text, returning the matched text (e.g., 'p = 0.04') and document location in a table.
#> * all-urls: List all the URLs in the main text
#> * imprecise-p: List any p-values reported with insufficient precision (e.g., p < .05 or p = n.s.)
#> * llm-summarise: Generate a 1-sentence summary for each section
#> * marginal: List all sentences that describe an effect as 'marginally significant'.
#> * osf-check: List all OSF links and whether they are open, closed, or do not exist.
#> * ref-consistency: Check if all references are cited and all citations are referenced
#> * retractionwatch: Flag any cited papers in the RetractionWatch database
#> * statcheck: Check consistency of p-values and test statistics