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Check Stats


stats(text, ...)



the search table (or list of paper objects)


arguments to pass to statcheck()


a table of statistics


filename <- demoxml()
papers <- read_grobid(filename)
#>   test_type df1  df2 test_comp test_value p_comp reported_p  computed_p
#> 1         t  NA 97.7         =       2.90      =      0.005 0.004609391
#> 2         t  NA 97.2         =      -1.96      =      0.152 0.052859364
#>                          raw error decision_error one_tailed_in_txt apa_factor
#> 1   t(97.7) = 2.9, p = 0.005 FALSE          FALSE             FALSE          1
#> 2 t(97.2) = -1.96, p = 0.152  TRUE          FALSE             FALSE          1
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                      text
#> 1                                   On average researchers in the experimental (app) condition made fewer mistakes (M = 9.12) than researchers in the control (checklist) condition (M = 10.9), t(97.7) = 2.9, p = 0.005.
#> 2 On average researchers in the experimental condition found the app marginally significantly more useful (M = 5.06) than researchers in the control condition found the checklist (M = 4.5), t(97.2) = -1.96, p = 0.152.
#>   section  header div p s                  id
#> 1 results Results   3 1 2 to_err_is_human.xml
#> 2 results Results   3 2 1 to_err_is_human.xml